Patterdale Terrier Physical Appearance

Looking to adopt a Patterdale Terrier Dog and wondering what is the general appearance of Patterdale Terrier or what are the common colours of a Patterdale Terrier?

Learn more details about the colors, weight and height of Patterdale Terrier Dogs from this page.

Patterdale Terrier Appearance

Patterdale Terrier Size, Height and Weight

    Consider the personality traits and appearance of the Patterdale Terrier, as this breed is not for everyone. Use this information below to see if a Patterdale Terrier would suit your lifestyle and household.

    Size of Patterdale Terrier: The Patterdale Terrier Dog is a small sized dog.

    Height of Patterdale Terrier:
  • 12-15 inches

  • Weight of Patterdale Terrier:
  • 11-13 pounds (5-6 kg)

    The Common Colours of Patterdale Terrier Dogs

  • Black
  • Brown
  • Golden

Patterdale Terrier Appearance

Patterdale Terrier Information

A sturdy, tough, active little terrier that presents a compact, balanced image. As a working terrier, it has to be capable of squeezing through very small passages underground to follow its quarry. The Patterdale’s chest should be capable of being spanned behind the shoulders by an average man’s hands with the fingers of both hands touching. This breed is worked far more than it is shown, and breeders are primarily concerned with the practicality of the breed. This terrier must have a strong neck, powerful jaws and teeth, the fortitude to hold its quarry at bay, and the ability to squeeze into tight burrows. He must have great flexibility and endurance.

The Patterdale is an extremely courageous working terrier, traditionally used to go to ground. Patterdales are extremely willing to work and have a high desire to please. They are very active and have a strong prey drive; and though they should be peaceful with humans, livestock and other dogs, they are not a dog for the average pet owner. They require an owner with a sense of humor and one that understands and can tolerate a real terrier temperament.

What to do if you lose your Patterdale Terrier

If your Patterdale Terrier Dog or any other pet has gone missing and it does not have an identification tag with a phone number, you can:

1. Register your missing pet details at Pet Reunite website here.

2. Report the lost pet on the Local Lost Pets Facebook Groups Here.

3. Phone the nearby vet clinics to see if someone has brought in your lost pet.

4. Contact the RSPCA or Visit the RSPCA Lost Pets website and complete a Lost Pet Report.

5. Visit Lost Pets Pages of Animal Shelters.

What to do if you find a lost Patterdale Terrier

If you find a Patterdale Terrier Dog or any other pet and it does not have an identification tag with a phone number, you can:

1. Report the found pet details at Pet Reunite website here.

2. List the missing pet on the Local Facebook Lost Pets Groups.

3. Contact the Local Council to collect the lost animal.

4. Take the pet to the local Animal Shelter assigned to your suburb.

5. Take the pet to the local Vet Clinic who can scan the animal’s microchip and phone the registered owner of the pet.

Laws Regarding Missing Pets

1. It is against the law to keep any animal that you find.

2. Pets are generally considered property and it is illegal to take and keep someone else’s property.

3. You must call your local animal control unit and file a FOUND AN ANIMAL report for any dog or cat you find.

4. To reclaim your lost dog, cat or other pet from the animal shelter you must pay a release fee.

5. If your dog or cat is unregistered, you will have to register your pet before you can take it home.