West Highland White Terrier Puppy Price and Litter Size

Looking to adopt a West Highland White Terrier Dog and want to know what is the average price of West Highland White Terrier puppies or how many litters can a West Highland White Terrier Dog have?

Learn more details about the price of West Highland White Terrier Dogs near you and litter size from this page.

West Highland White Terrier Puppy Info

West Highland White Terrier Puppy Price and West Highland White Terrier Puppy Litter Size

    Consider the West Highland White Terrier puppy price and West Highland White Terrier puppy litter size before getting a West Highland White Terrier Dog.

    West Highland White Terrier Puppy Price: Average $900 - $1200 USD

    West Highland White Terrier Puppy Litter Size: 2-5 puppies

West Highland White Terrier Puppy Price and West Highland White Terrier Dog Litter Size

West Highland White Terrier Information

The Westie is compact and short-coupled. It must be small enough to fit between rocks in a narrow passageway that was the typical fox den in its area of origin. These passages were often so narrow that the dog could not turn around. Short legs aided in maneuverability in the cramped passages. It had to have formidable teeth and jaws in order to face a fox in closed quarters. The harsh double coat, especially the hard, straight outer coat, provided protection from the fox's teeth, especially around the head, as well as from the elements. The tail needed to be sufficiently long to provide a handhold by which the dog could be pulled from shallow holes.

The busy Westie is happy, curious and always in the thick of things. It is affectionate and demanding, one of the friendliest terriers. It is not friendly, however, toward small animals. It enjoys a daily romp in a safe area or a walk on lead, as well as playtime at home. It is independent and somewhat stubborn. It barks and digs.

What to do if you lose your West Highland White Terrier

If your West Highland White Terrier Dog or any other pet has gone missing and it does not have an identification tag with a phone number, you can:

1. List your missing pet details at Pet Reunite website here.

2. Report the lost pet on the Local Facebook Lost Pets Groups Here.

3. Contact the nearby vets to see if anyone has brought in your lost pet.

4. Contact the RSPCA or Visit the RSPCA Lost Pets website and complete a Lost Pet Report.

5. Visit Lost Pets Pages of Animal Pounds.

What to do if you find a lost West Highland White Terrier

If you find a West Highland White Terrier Dog or any other pet and it does not have an identification tag with a phone number, you can:

1. Register the found pet details at Pet Reunite website here.

2. Register the missing pet on the Local Facebook Lost Pets Groups.

3. Call the Local Authority to collect the lost animal.

4. Take the pet to the local Animal Shelter assigned to your area.

5. Take the animal to the local Vet Clinic who normally scan the animal’s microchip and locate the registered pet owner.

Laws Regarding Missing Pets

1. It is against the law to keep any animal that you find.

2. Pets are generally considered property and it is illegal to take and keep someone else’s property.

3. You must contact your local animal control unit and file a FOUND AN ANIMAL report for any dog or cat you find.

4. To reclaim your lost dog, cat or other pet from the animal shelter you must pay a release fee.

5. If your dog or cat is unregistered, you will have to register your pet before you can take it home.